Your donation could help save lives in Ukraine. Please donate now.

Across Ukraine, landmines and booby traps are proving a deadly threat to remaining and returning communities across the country. People desperate to return to some form of normality are put at risk of death and injury by these deadly weapons.

Many of these lethal items are small and shiny, an easy distraction for a young, curious child playing outside or in their old home. They urgently need to know what to look out for and how to stay safe.  A gift from you today can help give a child safety. Please donate £15 now.

MAG-supported teams are on the ground delivering life-saving lessons to communities, teaching them the dangers and how to stay safe whilst living amongst unexploded bombs and landmines. We deliver both in-person and online sessions so we can reach as many people as possible.

We urgently need to deliver our life-saving lessons to more children, before they are injured or worse, killed. But we can only do this with your support. Can you help? Please donate £15 today.

A difficult winter in Ukraine

Kateryna lives in Ukraine and has seen two of the places she called home destroyed during the conflict in Ukraine. 

“I have fled twice during the conflict in Ukraine. The place I called home is occupied and heavily destroyed, our apartment and garden are completely inaccessible. Roads and paths may be mined, booby traps could be placed in many areas, unexploded bombs are widespread. Because of this I would not be able to return home with my family anytime in the near future. It would be an impossible and very dangerous trip.

This winter is going to be very difficult for everyone. The fields, power lines, gas pipelines and other infrastructure are contaminated with unexploded bombs or mined. Civilians already spend 50% of their daytime without electricity, many places do not have heating and Ukrainian winters are challenging. The serious danger is that the cold weather may fully destroy the heating infrastructure.”

Could you help people like Kateryna stay safe? Please donate today and your donation could help to save lives of people in Ukraine.

"This winter is going to be very difficult for everyone. The fields, power lines, gas pipelines and other infrastructure are contaminated with unexploded bombs or mined. Civilians already spend 50% of their daytime without electricity."

Kateryna, Ukraine, 2022