The Many Ways Landmines Disproportionately Harm Children
Every day 13 people are injured or killed by landmines and unexploded bombs, half of these casualties are children.
Even if a child survives triggering an explosive, the effects can impact the rest of their lives.
The Gendered Impact of Landmines
More than 80% of child victims and survivors are male.
Although less likely to be injured, girls experiencing conflict are more likely to withdraw from education and experience social stigma in later life.
Children Suffer Toxic Stress
Children can suffer ‘toxic stress’ from living with the risk of explosives. Toxic stress can manifest in many ways, including anxiety, aggression, hyperactivity and troubled sleep.
The Education Missed
Girls living in conflict-affected countries are nearly two and a half times less likely to attend school than girls living in countries at peace
When conflict is over, schools cannot open safely if the area is riddled with explosives.
Ali's story
When ISIS troops retreat from a village or town, they do not just leave. They make sure the roads, the fields, the schools, and the homes are riddled with landmines and explosives, often disguised as everyday objects.
Shortly after the family returned home, Ali spotted a wire in the ground outside of his house. He was 11 years old. His natural curiosity piqued; he had tugged on the wire. The resulting explosion tore off his fingers from one hand.
Ekhlas, Ali’s mother clamped her hands over Ali’s injured one, desperately trying to stop the bleeding.
Three years on, and Ali’s injury still affects his life. He still can’t use his hand to write. This makes school a challenge and most of the time he stays within the family home, not going out and seeing his friends like other children his age may do.
You can help protect children from the explosives that threaten their lives, their health, and their futures.