Last month, MAG was delighted to join the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO), a network of over 50 organisations whose aim is to address the root causes of conflict and build peace. The network leverages its platform to inform, analyse and increase accountability between civil society and EU institutions, bolstering the EU’s role as a global peace actor.

As an EPLO member, we will seek to give voice to communities affected by the devastating legacy of landmines and unexploded bombs. We will advocate on behalf of the 13 people a day who are killed or injured by these weapons, to positively influence those who can have a direct effect on EU policy and funding on peacebuilding. In turn, we look forward to learning from committed and creative organisations, networks and think tanks operating in 17 countries.  

With devastating conflict ongoing in Gaza, Sudan, Ukraine, and many other places, as well as heart breaking loss of life on migratory routes, it is a crucial time to share our knowledge in influential forums such as this one on addressing the causes and impacts of conflict and the importance of humanitarian mine action. Through direct experience, we will advocate for the importance of risk education to keep communities safe, of the devastation caused by explosive weapons, and much more. 

With the European elections fast approaching, we are eager to join discussions about how best to engage across EU institutions for peace with those elected and re-elected, as well as with the incoming Commission. To strengthen this activity, we have just appointed a Head of Europe to lead on the engagement and strategic development of MAG’s European presence. 

The role has now been filled by Hélène Kuperman, who since joining MAG in 2013 has led our teams in Vietnam, and across the West Africa region. With a wealth of experience in both policy and practice, she will lead and grow our activity in Brussels.  

“Having gained over a decade of experience in diverse roles in West and Central Africa, and Vietnam, I am thrilled to embark on a new chapter as the very first Head of MAG Europe," said Hélène Kuperman. "This opportunity brings with it an exciting shift in gears professionally, and with it the chance for MAG to firmly establish its stance and contribute to discussions and policymaking at the European level. The choices and strategies formulated in Europe today will have a far-reaching impact on future generations. I am honoured to be part of an organisation like MAG, that can actively participate in these dialogues and amplify the voices of the communities we serve.”  

As our new strategic period for 2024-2028, and our priority to share our expertise more widely, builds momentum, we want to play our part in ensuring that conflict prevention and peacebuilding are prominent within the policies and structures of the EU. 

Read our 2024-2028 strategy below.