With your help, vital humanitarian aid can be delivered safely in Gaza. Please donate today.

Thousands of people in Gaza are reliant on humanitarian aid for survival. But thousands of unexploded bombs hidden in millions of tons of rubble stand between them and the aid they so urgently need. 

An explosive ordnance disposal officer from MAG has been working in Gaza to help ensure the safe passage of vital humanitarian convoys. Paul (name changed for security reasons) has so far supported 30 convoys, each of between 60 and 100 vehicles, delivering essential food, medicine and fuel supplies to a range of locations in the devasted territory.

You can help those essential supplies reach the people who need them the most. 

Paul has completed his first four-week deployment, working with the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), and is due to continue these deployments, four weeks at a time, until the autumn. It’s slow, tense work and sometimes involves taking long detours to avoid the dangers on the route. 

Paul is a highly experienced expert who has worked for MAG for 16 years, but the sights he has witnessed in Gaza are like nothing he has seen before. “The level of destruction we are witnessing is overwhelming and the security environment is clearly very unstable and unpredictable.” 

But these high-stakes missions are worth it. The convoys deliver wheat, flour and other food supplies, medicines to hospitals, and fuel to help run generators to maintain essential electricity supplies for hospitals and other facilities. Each vehicle that safely reaches its destination means a chance for survival for ordinary women, girls, boys and men living in Gaza.  A donation from you today could mean food reaching a starving child or medicines reaching an injured mother.

A donation from you today could help support this vital work and save lives in Gaza.